Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Panel Stretch Layout - Center facet not adjustable to content when it grows

  • You can specify dimensionsFrom="children" for the panelStretchLayout to be as tall as the children. When using this "children" setting, the topHeight and bottomHeight attributes will still be honored (unless percent units are specified) but any height assignment (e.g. inlineStyle or styleClass) on the panelStretchLayout must be omitted or else there would be a competing assignment for how tall the component will be.
  • You can also specify dimensionsFrom="parent" to make the panelStretchLayout get its dimensions from the inlineStyle and if not provided from there then from its parent component or if not provided from the parent then from the skin (stretchChildren, flex, inflexibleHeight on af:showDetailItem will be honored).
  • Using dimensionsFrom="auto" will choose either "children" or "parent" depending on whether the panelStretchLayout is being stretched by its parent.

Designing well known websites with ADF Rich Faces

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Export Table Data to Excel in ADF

1.Create ADF application and project.
2.Create VO and Include in AM
3.Create Page
4.Drag and drop VO from Data Controls to Page. Select object type as Table. Change table id to 'myTable'
5.Create ADF button and name it as 'Export to Excel'
6.Add ExportCollectionActionListener to Button and provide following properties.
  exportedId="myTable" (myTable is id of af:table )
7.Your page looks like this.

8.Run page and test it.

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