Sunday, August 30, 2009

Define different types of segments in account structure

Natural account segment:
A natural account segment contains values representing account types, such as cash, accounts receivable, product revenue and salary expense. Enter Yes or No to indicate whether the segment you are defining is your natural account segment. You define only one natural account segment in your account. Prefer define segment2 as natural segment.

Balancing segment:
General Ledger uses your balancing segment to ensure that all journals balance for each value of your balancing segment. General Ledger also use your balancing segment to ensure that entries that impact more than one balancing segment use the appropriate intercompany or interfund accounting.

Indicate whether the segment you are defining is a balancing segment. You can define only one balancing segment for an account. The segment you use as a balancing segment must be an independent segment (it cannot use a dependent value set). Most users of General Ledger designate company/organization or fund as their balancing segment.

Cost Center segment:
Cost centers indicate functional areas of your organization, such as Accounting, Facilities, Shipping, and so on. Enter Yes or No to indicate whether the segment you are defining is a Cost Center segment. Oracle Assets and Oracle Projects require you to qualify a segment as cost center in your account.

Dependent segments to create context-sensitive segments.
Context-sensitive segment values can have one meaning when combined with a particular segment value, and have a different meaning when combined with a different segment value. You can define more than one dependent segment for an independent segment. You can also define more than one independent segment to have different dependent segments. You cannot, however, define a dependent segment for any segment with validation type other than Independent nor have multiple levels of dependency for the same segment.
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