Scenario: User enters bonus amount. If Salary+Bonus is greater than 1,50,000 show alert message.
Step1:Create VO with Salary and Bonus attributes. Create a table in JSPX page.
Step2: Set Bonus input text field properties.. add validate method to ValueChangeListener and set AutoSubmit to true.
Step1:Create VO with Salary and Bonus attributes. Create a table in JSPX page.
Step2: Set Bonus input text field properties.. add validate method to ValueChangeListener and set AutoSubmit to true.
Step3: Add setPropertyListener on Bonus inputtext field.
From: Source value(Value to be saved in scope for later use) Ex: #{row.bindings.Salary.inputValue}
To: Variable Name(Scope and Variable to hold the source value) Ex; #{pageFlowScope.CurrRowSalaryVar}
Type: Listener Type Ex: valueChange
Step4: Add code in bean.
public void validateTotalSalary(ValueChangeEvent ve){
BigDecimal bonus = (BigDecimal)ve.getNewValue();
BigDecimal salary = (BigDecimal)AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getPageFlowScope().get("CurrRowSalaryVar");
int ibonus = bonus.intValue();
int isalary= salary.intValue();
if(bonus!=null && salary!=null && (ibonus+isalary)>150000){
FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage("Total Salary exceeded 1,50,000.");
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
fc.addMessage(null, msg);
Step5: Ouput