Friday, April 5, 2013

How do I populate the primary key of my entity object from a database-trigger-assigned sequence value?

Trigger-Assigned Primary Key Values from a Database Sequence

One common case where Refresh After Insert comes into play is a primary key attribute whose value is assigned by a BEFORE INSERT FOR EACH ROW trigger. Often the trigger assigns the primary key from a database sequence using PL/SQL logic similar to this:
   END IF;

Set the Attribute Type to the built-in datatype named DBSequence, as shown in Figure 6-14, and the primary key will be assigned automatically by the database sequence. Setting this datatype automatically enables the Refresh After Insert property.

When you create a new entity row whose primary key is a DBSequence, a unique negative number gets assigned as its temporary value. This value acts as the primary key for the duration of the transaction in which it is created. If you are creating a set of interrelated entities in the same transaction, you can assign this temporary value as a foreign key value on other new, related entity rows. At transaction commit time, the entity object issues its INSERT operation using the RETURNING INTO clause to retrieve the actual database trigger-assigned primary key value. Any related new entities that previously used the temporary negative value as a foreign key will get that value updated to reflect the actual new primary key of the master.

As shown in Figure 6-14, you will typically also set the Updatable property of a DBSequence-valued primary key to Never. The entity object assigns the temporary ID, and then refreshes it with the actual ID value after the INSERT option. The end user never needs to update this value.

Figure 6-14 Setting Primary Key Attribute to DBSequence Type Automates Trigger-Assigned Key Handling
Image shows setting DBsequence type

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